Judgment is the common theme for most recent prophecies because God in His Loving Mercy wants people to change and turn from wickedness since He can't hold back the judgments much longer especially for our Land.
!Warning! From the Lord to Glenda...Wings of Prophecy
Time is Up
I want to share something with all of you. I had just plugged in my microphone to record the end times podcast for next week last night and was about to call Ray Bergman who I was recording with when I suddenly got hit with really strong grief from the Lord. And I felt He wanted to tell me something important.
So I put calling aside and took off my headphones. And He began to speak this message to me with great urgency, and He asked that I tell His people.
Never before in all my years of prophesying or ministry can I remember the Lord giving me an urgent message like this just before recording a podcast.
And I cannot remember the last time I felt such an urgency to travail for lost souls as I did this night. Ray Bergman said he began feeling that same thing on Christmas Eve when he was trying to spend time with his family and he felt the same urgency in his spirit even now.
My Daughter, Tell My people the time is up for this nation. Tell them to come before Me and weep and wail for their lost loved ones that I may save them quickly before the destruction falls on them and their souls are remanded to darkness and torment for all eternity. Tell them!
I cannot put off these judgments any longer. They have had ample time to repent yet most go on their way joyfully, never giving Me, or their eternal destination another thought. On that night there will be no second chance. It is not My will that any should perish but My Word makes clear what man must do in order to be saved.
Tell them now. Time is up for America. I will hold back My Judgments no longer, for she leads all the world astray.
NOTE: The Lord has never used the word remanded with me before, so I looked it up to be sure I understood precisely what it meant. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines remand as: the return of a person to custody pending trial or for further detention.
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